SAUNDRABROGDON subscribers 0 followers 0 Your Subscription SAUNDRABROGDON - Change Subscription Videos About Activity Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Subscribers Subscriptions 344 days ago15:39 SAUNDRABROGDON has liked a video Get into the Routine Y'all - At Home with Gene Ho, Episode 15 In this episode you hear Gene's take on a routine life and how peacefully fulfilling it can be. Take a listen to his understanding and get in touch with a life more meaningful. Also, watch out for the killer cow!!! What the heck! Lol. You mean Gene getting muddy? You don't wanna miss the show-n-tell portion on this episode At Home. 344 days ago15:22 SAUNDRABROGDON has liked a video It’s the Little Things, Right? Right??? - At Home with Gene Ho, Ep... In this episode we’re reminded by Gene that the little things are oh so important. When we miss these “things,” these details, we miss the opportunity that makes the difference for the obvious purpose. Follow up on the story of the 10 virgins. Gene will share a bit of the story with some discernment. Don’t miss a blessing. This biblical story w...