
  • Great. interview :heart:️ I pray I can make it out to Arkansas and see Pastor Bob again soon! maybe the new church & much bigger parking lot will be up and running.
  • Gene You made me laugh leading the cow! Who was leading who? I used to work at a farm to help offset the cost of boarding my horses and I had to take care of racehorses as well. Some were VERY high strung. I had an Arabian throw me in the air and land on concrete but honestly I was just worried about the horse. another thing. Dont wear your blue suede shoes! Get some muck boots. :cowboy:
  • Loved seeing all the magazines I actually have some of the old George and ones from way back when the plane went down. Matt I am friends with Laura Eisenhauer on FB She just finished a book about the truth of her grandfather not whats been passed around for years  She is a magnificant human being! Raising the vibration of the planet. you should have her on your podcast She will blow your mind!!
  • Look how many views!! You two rock!